Monitoring REDIS using Prometheus and Grafana

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Redis is a popular open-source in-memory database which can also be used as a message broker. It can be scaled (lineraly) to handle large volumes and throughputs of an order of 50 million ops per second. Redis can be considered as a key-value store, but the uniqueness in its design approach is that various data structures like List, Set, ZSET, and Hyperloglog among others. Monitoring REDIS is a key requirement in production environments. In this blog, we outline the basic steps to monitor a REDIS cluster using Prometheus REDIS Metric Exporter, Prometheus and Grafana. Around 100 different metrics are generated by REDIS instance. A detailed list of these can be found here.

The diagram below shows a high-level archicture of the components

Installing Prometheus

Exporter Configuration

Prometheus REDIS exporter can be downloaded from Optionally you can clone the repository and follow the build operations mentioned in the README file. Once downloaded you can run the binary

/redis_exporter –redis.addr= [IP ADDRESS OF THE REDIS HOST] –redis.user [USERNAME] –redis.password [REDIS PASSWORD]

Other command line options can be seen within the README file of the redis_exporter. Once the redis_exporter starts and connects to the REDIS instance, it can capture the metrics being exposed by the REDIS instance. Thereafter, we can configure prometheus to scrape values from the redis_exporter by specifying the configurations in prometheus.yml as shown below:

scrape_configs: ## config for the multiple Redis targets that the exporter will scrape – job_name: ‘redis_exporter_targets’ static_configs: – targets: – redis://first-redis-host:6379 – redis://second-redis-host:6379 – redis://second-redis-host:6380 – redis://second-redis-host:6381 metrics_path: /scrape relabel_configs: – source_labels: [address] target_label: param_target – source_labels: [param_target] target_label: instance – target_label: address replacement: [REDIS-EXPORTER-HOSTNAME]:9121

## config for scraping the exporter itself
- job_name: 'redis_exporter'
    - targets:

The Redis instances are listed under targets, the Redis exporter hostname is configured via the last relabel_config rule.

Grafana Dashboards

There are various dashboards available out of the box from the Grafana site [h], select the one which suits your monitoring requirements and copy its dashboard ID.

Inside Grafana you can import the dashboard using Import option as seen in the figures below:

Once imported you can view the dashboard as shown in figure below and start monitoring your REDIS installation.

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