Generative AI: The Future of Language Models

Generative AI: The Future of Language Models

Generative AI models have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence by enabling machines to generate new content. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of Generative AI, specifically focusing on large language models (LLMs) which are instances...
Why OTPs shouldn’t be part of a passwordless strategy

Why OTPs shouldn’t be part of a passwordless strategy

One-time passwords (OTPs) are a common way to add an extra layer of security to an authentication process, but they can still be vulnerable to attacks and are not recommended as a sole means of authentication in a passwordless strategy. OTPs rely on the assumption...
Monitoring REDIS using Prometheus and Grafana

Monitoring REDIS using Prometheus and Grafana

Redis is a popular open-source in-memory database which can also be used as a message broker. It can be scaled (lineraly) to handle large volumes and throughputs of an order of 50 million ops per second. Redis can be considered as a key-value store, but the uniqueness...
Understanding Consumer Groups and Partitions in Kafka

Understanding Consumer Groups and Partitions in Kafka

In a typical modern enterprise, there would be multiple systems producing data in different formats and multiple systems which has to consume these data. Integrating these systems using a full mesh topology will be complicated owing to the myraid of protocols...